Contemporary issues in management and organizations:   principles and implications için kapak resmi
Contemporary issues in management and organizations: principles and implications
Contemporary issues in management and organizations: principles and implications
Yayım Bilgisi:
Bursa: Ekin Yayınevi, 2010.
Fiziksel Açıklamalar:
272s. ; 24 cm.
Genel Not:
Relatıonshıps Among Total Qualıty Management, Supply Chaın Management, Enterprıse Resource Plannıng And Performance, From Learnıng Organızatıon To Knowıng Organızatıon: A Practıcal Vıew For Buıldıng "Knowledge Shrıne" Wıth Four Mınarets, Empowerment: A Contemporary Management İssue İn The Workplace
Relatıonshıps Among Total Qualıty Management, Supply Chaın Management, Enterprıse Resource Plannıng And Performance, From Learnıng Organızatıon To Knowıng Organızatıon: A Practıcal Vıew For Buıldıng "Knowledge Shrıne" Wıth Four Mınarets, Empowerment: A Contemporary Management İssue İn The Workplace