Evolution and empathy : the genetic factor in the rise of humanism için kapak resmi
Evolution and empathy : the genetic factor in the rise of humanism
Evolution and empathy : the genetic factor in the rise of humanism
Yayım Bilgisi:
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co., 2008.
Fiziksel Açıklamalar:
viii, 258 s. ; 23 cm
Genel Not:
Kaynakça var.

PAR : I: PREI.IMINARIES 1 The Modern Synthesis 3 2 o--ward a More Selfish Gene 9 3 - he Nature of Empathy 22 4 - Empathy and Affect 29 5 Facial Expression and Affect 33 6 Cerebral Asymmetry 36 PW R IF1 :I: THE PRL-GREEKS ". - Genetics and the Pre-Greeks 41 8 - The Pre-Greeks and the Third Dimension 44 9 -- The Right Brain and Perspective 55 10 Facial Expression in Pre-Greek Art and Literature 58 11 -- Facial Expression and the Right Brain 65 12 - Individuality and Human Sacrifice 67 13 Novelty and Innovation 72 14 The Pre-Greek View of the Natural World 80 15 -- Genes, Guns, Germs and Steel 84 PAR F III : iTHE PHYSIOLOGY 16 The Not So Modern Synthesis 91 17 The Taboos and the Looming Confrontation 97 18 - Neurotransmitters and Tnemperament 106 19 - Internal Tone, Eye Color and IEemperameInt 115 PART IV: Tiil WAYS OF i1ln GODDESS 20 - Greek Geography and Migrations 125 21 - Population Genetics and Sexual Selection 133 22 - Chinks in the Armor of the Modern Synthesis 140 23 - The Baldwin Effect and Genetic Assimilation 145 PARI V : ftERt TOOL KIT 24 - Epigenesis 153 25 -- Genetic Accommodation 161 26 - Genetic Facilitation 164 PART VI : THE GRECO-ROMAN RISE AND FALLI 27 - Greek Politics and Art 171 28 - Greek Literature 181 29 - The Romans 186 30 - A Theater of Opportunity 192 31 - The Dark Ages 202 PART VII : Tiw REINAISSANCE AND lit YONI) 32 - An Advance Renaissance 211 33 - The Renaissance Portrait 219 34 - Perspective and the New View of Nature 221 35 - Epilogue 230
PAR : I: PREI.IMINARIES 1 The Modern Synthesis 3 2 o--ward a More Selfish Gene 9 3 - he Nature of Empathy 22 4 - Empathy and Affect 29 5 Facial Expression and Affect 33 6 Cerebral Asymmetry 36 PW R IF1 :I: THE PRL-GREEKS ". - Genetics and the Pre-Greeks 41 8 - The Pre-Greeks and the Third Dimension 44 9 -- The Right Brain and Perspective 55 10 Facial Expression in Pre-Greek Art and Literature 58 11 -- Facial Expression and the Right Brain 65 12 - Individuality and Human Sacrifice 67 13 Novelty and Innovation 72 14 The Pre-Greek View of the Natural World 80 15 -- Genes, Guns, Germs and Steel 84 PAR F III : iTHE PHYSIOLOGY 16 The Not So Modern Synthesis 91 17 The Taboos and the Looming Confrontation 97 18 - Neurotransmitters and Tnemperament 106 19 - Internal Tone, Eye Color and IEemperameInt 115 PART IV: Tiil WAYS OF i1ln GODDESS 20 - Greek Geography and Migrations 125 21 - Population Genetics and Sexual Selection 133 22 - Chinks in the Armor of the Modern Synthesis 140 23 - The Baldwin Effect and Genetic Assimilation 145 PARI V : ftERt TOOL KIT 24 - Epigenesis 153 25 -- Genetic Accommodation 161 26 - Genetic Facilitation 164 PART VI : THE GRECO-ROMAN RISE AND FALLI 27 - Greek Politics and Art 171 28 - Greek Literature 181 29 - The Romans 186 30 - A Theater of Opportunity 192 31 - The Dark Ages 202 PART VII : Tiw REINAISSANCE AND lit YONI) 32 - An Advance Renaissance 211 33 - The Renaissance Portrait 219 34 - Perspective and the New View of Nature 221 35 - Epilogue 230