A dynamtc'theory of personality için kapak resmi
A dynamtc'theory of personality
A dynamtc'theory of personality
Yayım Bilgisi:
Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık, 2020.
Fiziksel Açıklamalar:
296 s. ; 24 cm.
Genel Not:
The present book is a collection of originally independent ar-ticles which were written at different times and for quite diffe-rent occasions. Hence, the reader will find some of the funda-mental ideas recurring throughout the book. The selection has been made in order to give a picture of the fields thus far stu-died, th& psychology of the person and of the environment, and at the same time to indicate their connections with the various applied fields, especially child psychology, pedagogy, psycho-pathology, characterology, and social psychology.
The present book is a collection of originally independent ar-ticles which were written at different times and for quite diffe-rent occasions. Hence, the reader will find some of the funda-mental ideas recurring throughout the book. The selection has been made in order to give a picture of the fields thus far stu-died, th& psychology of the person and of the environment, and at the same time to indicate their connections with the various applied fields, especially child psychology, pedagogy, psycho-pathology, characterology, and social psychology.
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