The badlands of modernity : heterotopia and social ordering için kapak resmi
The badlands of modernity : heterotopia and social ordering
The badlands of modernity : heterotopia and social ordering
Yayım Bilgisi:
London ;New York : Routledge , 1997.
Fiziksel Açıklamalar:
x, 164p. ; 25 cm.
Genel Not:
Kaynakça var.

Preface p. vii Chapter 1 The Palais Royal as Modernity p. 1 Chapter 2 Margins, Orderings and the Laboratories of Society p. 20 Chapter 3 Two Castles p. 39 Chapter 4 The Utopics of Modernity p. 55 Chapter 5 Secret Virtues, Euclidean Spaces p. 72 Chapter 6 The Factory for Itself p. 109 Chapter 7 The Space of the Horizon p. 139 Notes p. 144 Bibliography p. 149 Index
Preface p. vii Chapter 1 The Palais Royal as Modernity p. 1 Chapter 2 Margins, Orderings and the Laboratories of Society p. 20 Chapter 3 Two Castles p. 39 Chapter 4 The Utopics of Modernity p. 55 Chapter 5 Secret Virtues, Euclidean Spaces p. 72 Chapter 6 The Factory for Itself p. 109 Chapter 7 The Space of the Horizon p. 139 Notes p. 144 Bibliography p. 149 Index