Arts and crafts in the Muslim word : proceedings of the International Congress on Islamic Arts and Crafts, Isfahan, 04-09 October, 2002 için kapak resmi
Arts and crafts in the Muslim word : proceedings of the International Congress on Islamic Arts and Crafts, Isfahan, 04-09 October, 2002
Arts and crafts in the Muslim word : proceedings of the International Congress on Islamic Arts and Crafts, Isfahan, 04-09 October, 2002
Yayım Bilgisi:
Istanbul : Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 2008
Fiziksel Açıklamalar:
xxxii, 580 s.: fotoğ., res., tpkbsm. ; 31 cm.
Dizi Bildirim:
Islamic Craft Series ; 8.
Dizi Bildirim Başlığı:
Islamic Craft Series ; 8.
Genel Not:
Kaynakça var.

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