The little traitor = küçük hain için kapak resmi
The little traitor = küçük hain
The little traitor = küçük hain
Yayım Bilgisi:
İsrail : 2007.
Fiziksel Açıklamalar:
88 dk. ; 2007.
Genel Not:
Yönetmen : Lynn Roth Oyuncular : Alfred Molina, Theodore Bikel, Jake Barker, Boris Reinis, Lior Sasson Senaryo : Lynn Roth, Amos Oz Yapımcı : Lynn Roth, Eitan Evan

Film, dünyaca ünlü İsralli yazar Amos Oz'un ‘Panther in the Basement' adlı romanından uyarlandı. 1947 yılında Filistin toprakları… İsrail Devleti'nin kurulmasına sadece birkaç ay var… İngiliz işgali altında büyümüş 12 yaşındaki Proffy Liebowitz'in (Ido Port) tek isteği İngilizlerin bu topraklardan çekip gitmesidir. Bu uğurda arkadaşları ile birlikte İngiliz birliklerine sataşmaktan bile geri durmaz. Böyle bir eylem sırasında Çavuş Dunlop'a (Alfred Molina) yakalanır. Dunlop, tutuklamak yerine onu evine geri götürür ve ikisi arasında sağlam bir dostluk kurulur... Based on the novel "Panther in the Basement" by the world-renowned author, Amos Oz, the movie takes place in Palestine in 1947, just a few months before Israel becomes a state. Proffy Liebowitz, a militant yet sensitive eleven year old wants nothing more than for the occupying British to get the hell out of his land. Proffy and his two friends spend most of their time plotting ways to terrorize and/or blow up the British until one evening, while he's out after curfew, Proffy is seized by Sergeant Dunlop, a British officer. Instead of arresting him, he deposits him back home, but what ensues in the weeks to come is a friendship between these two foes. Proffy looks to Dunlop as a father figure as his own father is cold and remote. Dunlop, lonely and poetic, loves the spirited boy and they find lots to talk about in their meetings which Proffy must keep a secret from his friends and family. When Proffy's friends follow him one day and see that he has been visiting the detested enemy, they...
Film, dünyaca ünlü İsralli yazar Amos Oz'un ‘Panther in the Basement' adlı romanından uyarlandı. 1947 yılında Filistin toprakları… İsrail Devleti'nin kurulmasına sadece birkaç ay var… İngiliz işgali altında büyümüş 12 yaşındaki Proffy Liebowitz'in (Ido Port) tek isteği İngilizlerin bu topraklardan çekip gitmesidir. Bu uğurda arkadaşları ile birlikte İngiliz birliklerine sataşmaktan bile geri durmaz. Böyle bir eylem sırasında Çavuş Dunlop'a (Alfred Molina) yakalanır. Dunlop, tutuklamak yerine onu evine geri götürür ve ikisi arasında sağlam bir dostluk kurulur... Based on the novel "Panther in the Basement" by the world-renowned author, Amos Oz, the movie takes place in Palestine in 1947, just a few months before Israel becomes a state. Proffy Liebowitz, a militant yet sensitive eleven year old wants nothing more than for the occupying British to get the hell out of his land. Proffy and his two friends spend most of their time plotting ways to terrorize and/or blow up the British until one evening, while he's out after curfew, Proffy is seized by Sergeant Dunlop, a British officer. Instead of arresting him, he deposits him back home, but what ensues in the weeks to come is a friendship between these two foes. Proffy looks to Dunlop as a father figure as his own father is cold and remote. Dunlop, lonely and poetic, loves the spirited boy and they find lots to talk about in their meetings which Proffy must keep a secret from his friends and family. When Proffy's friends follow him one day and see that he has been visiting the detested enemy, they...
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