ISCN 2005 : an international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature (2005) : recommendations of the International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature

ISCN 2005 : an international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature (2005) : recommendations of the International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature


Yayım Bilgisi
Basel : Karger, 2005.

Fiziksel Açıklamalar
130 s. ; 26 cm

Genel Not
Historical introduction -- Normal chromosomes -- Symbols and abbreviated terms -- Karyotype designation -- Uncertainty in chromosome or band designation -- Order of chromosome abnormalities in the karyotype -- Normal variable chromosome features -- Numerical chromosome abnormalities -- Structural chromosome rearrangements -- Chromosome breakage -- Neoplasia -- Meiotic chromosomes -- In situ hybridization

Historical introduction -- Normal chromosomes -- Symbols and abbreviated terms -- Karyotype designation -- Uncertainty in chromosome or band designation -- Order of chromosome abnormalities in the karyotype -- Normal variable chromosome features -- Numerical chromosome abnormalities -- Structural chromosome rearrangements -- Chromosome breakage -- Neoplasia -- Meiotic chromosomes -- In situ hybridization

Konu Terimleri
Human chromosome
Human cytogenetics -- Nomenclature
İnsan genetiği
İnsan genetiği -- terminoloji
İnsan kromozomları
İnsan kromozomları anomalileri

Ek Yazar
Shaffer, Lisa G.,
Tommerup, Niels,

KütüphaneMateryal TürüDemirbaşYer NumarasıDurumu/İade Tarihi
İKÜ Ataköy Yerleşkesi KütüphanesiKitap019058611.018 ISC 2005Ataköy Yerleşkesi B-1 Katı