XV. Dünya Usûl Hukukçuları Kongresi 25 - 28 Mayıs 2015, İstanbul = XVth international association of procedural law world congress may 25th - 28th 2015, Istanbul

XV. Dünya Usûl Hukukçuları Kongresi 25 - 28 Mayıs 2015, İstanbul = XVth international association of procedural law world congress may 25th - 28th 2015, Istanbul


Yayım Bilgisi
İstanbul : On İki Levha Yayıncılık , 2016.

Fiziksel Açıklamalar
780 s. ; 24 cm.

Dizi Bildirim
Yayın ; no.

Genel Not
TERESA ARRUDA ALWIM WAMBIER / Civil Procedure in Time of Crisis RICHARD MARCUS / A Genuine Civil Justice Crisis? MUHAMMED ÖZEKES / Medeni Yargılama Hukukunda Geçici Hukuki Korumalar ( Kıta Avrupası Sistemine Bakış ) MUHAMMED ÖZEKES / Interim Injunctions in Civil Procedure Law ( Perspective Civil Law Systems ) DAVID BAMFORD / Interim Relief - A Common Law Review XANDRA KRAMER, SHUSUKE KAKIUCHI / Relief Small and Simple Matters in an Age of Austrerity SORAY AMRANI MEKKI / Contraintes a la Mobilite des Personnes ANTONY TH SMITH / Sub-section A. - The Nature of Civil Contempt TERESA ARMENTA DEU / Coercive Measures Applied to Individuals HAKAN PEKCANITEZ / Reform Kurumları HAKAN PEKCANITEZ / Reform of Institutions EDUARDO OTEIZA / Latin America as a Cultural Space: Trends and Tensions Among Nation States and the International Community as Regards Reforms JOSE ESTEVE PARDO / La Tutela Judicial De Las Personas En Situacion De Dependencia y Riesgo Ante La Jurisdiccion Contencioso Administrativa BART KARNS / European Relif for Consumers Procedural Challenges to the Fairness Test CATERINA PASINI / Civil Mediation and Economic Crisis in Italy: Is the ADR System a From of Relief Form Inefficiency of the Jurisdictional Way ALICİA ARMENGOT VILAPLANA / La Proteccion Prestada Por Los Tribunales Supranacionales en Tiempos de Crisis y la Reforma del Proceso de Ejecucion en Espana HUMBERTO DALLA BERNARDINA DE PINHO / Structural Injuctions in Brazilian Law EVA DE GÖTZEN / The New Regulation no: 655/2014: The Latest Form of Relief in Cross Border Debt Recovery Throughout The EU CHRISTIAN DELGADO SUAREZ / Medidas Coercitivas, Politicas Publicas de Austeridad y Forms of Relief ROBERT H. KLONOFF / Why Most Nations Do Not Have U.S. Style Class Actions REGINA GARCIMARTIN MONTERO / Las Multas Por Mala Fe y Su Incidencia En La Eficacia Del Proceso Civil. La Experiencia Del Derecho Espanol AGNIESZKA GORA BLASZCZYKOWSKA / Impact of the Economic Status of Natural Person on the Possibility to Protect Its Right to the Court in Poland ( Some Remarks ) VIKTORIA HARSAGI / Increasing Efficiency Regarding Uncontested Claims in Hungary JAVIER LOPEZ SANCHEZ / La Incidencia de la Crisis Economica en la Regulacion del Consurso de Acreedores en Espana KERSTIN NORDLÖF / Forms of Relief Debt Restructuring in Sweden ADA PELLEGRINI GRINOVER, DANIELA GABBAY, VALERIA F. LAGRASTA LUCHIARI / The Cost of Judicial Preceeding and of Conciliatory Justice: The Brazilian Example MARIA CAROLINA PULSONI / The Standardization Process Impact on the Effective Judicial Relife and Remedies in an Age Austerity ( For a Comparative Perspective of a Sustainable Justice ) VALENTIN RETORNAZ / Between Fairness and Overcrowding: The Dialectics of Civil Procedure and Economic Crisis FRANCISCO VERBIC / Class Actions in Argentina: The Need For a Wider Scope to Embrace Judicial Efficency BRUNO MARZULLO ZARONI / Some Remarks on the Enforcement of Coercive Orders Against Public Entities in Brazil

TERESA ARRUDA ALWIM WAMBIER / Civil Procedure in Time of Crisis RICHARD MARCUS / A Genuine Civil Justice Crisis? MUHAMMED ÖZEKES / Medeni Yargılama Hukukunda Geçici Hukuki Korumalar ( Kıta Avrupası Sistemine Bakış ) MUHAMMED ÖZEKES / Interim Injunctions in Civil Procedure Law ( Perspective Civil Law Systems ) DAVID BAMFORD / Interim Relief - A Common Law Review XANDRA KRAMER, SHUSUKE KAKIUCHI / Relief Small and Simple Matters in an Age of Austrerity SORAY AMRANI MEKKI / Contraintes a la Mobilite des Personnes ANTONY TH SMITH / Sub-section A. - The Nature of Civil Contempt TERESA ARMENTA DEU / Coercive Measures Applied to Individuals HAKAN PEKCANITEZ / Reform Kurumları HAKAN PEKCANITEZ / Reform of Institutions EDUARDO OTEIZA / Latin America as a Cultural Space: Trends and Tensions Among Nation States and the International Community as Regards Reforms JOSE ESTEVE PARDO / La Tutela Judicial De Las Personas En Situacion De Dependencia y Riesgo Ante La Jurisdiccion Contencioso Administrativa BART KARNS / European Relif for Consumers Procedural Challenges to the Fairness Test CATERINA PASINI / Civil Mediation and Economic Crisis in Italy: Is the ADR System a From of Relief Form Inefficiency of the Jurisdictional Way ALICİA ARMENGOT VILAPLANA / La Proteccion Prestada Por Los Tribunales Supranacionales en Tiempos de Crisis y la Reforma del Proceso de Ejecucion en Espana HUMBERTO DALLA BERNARDINA DE PINHO / Structural Injuctions in Brazilian Law EVA DE GÖTZEN / The New Regulation no: 655/2014: The Latest Form of Relief in Cross Border Debt Recovery Throughout The EU CHRISTIAN DELGADO SUAREZ / Medidas Coercitivas, Politicas Publicas de Austeridad y Forms of Relief ROBERT H. KLONOFF / Why Most Nations Do Not Have U.S. Style Class Actions REGINA GARCIMARTIN MONTERO / Las Multas Por Mala Fe y Su Incidencia En La Eficacia Del Proceso Civil. La Experiencia Del Derecho Espanol AGNIESZKA GORA BLASZCZYKOWSKA / Impact of the Economic Status of Natural Person on the Possibility to Protect Its Right to the Court in Poland ( Some Remarks ) VIKTORIA HARSAGI / Increasing Efficiency Regarding Uncontested Claims in Hungary JAVIER LOPEZ SANCHEZ / La Incidencia de la Crisis Economica en la Regulacion del Consurso de Acreedores en Espana KERSTIN NORDLÖF / Forms of Relief Debt Restructuring in Sweden ADA PELLEGRINI GRINOVER, DANIELA GABBAY, VALERIA F. LAGRASTA LUCHIARI / The Cost of Judicial Preceeding and of Conciliatory Justice: The Brazilian Example MARIA CAROLINA PULSONI / The Standardization Process Impact on the Effective Judicial Relife and Remedies in an Age Austerity ( For a Comparative Perspective of a Sustainable Justice ) VALENTIN RETORNAZ / Between Fairness and Overcrowding: The Dialectics of Civil Procedure and Economic Crisis FRANCISCO VERBIC / Class Actions in Argentina: The Need For a Wider Scope to Embrace Judicial Efficency BRUNO MARZULLO ZARONI / Some Remarks on the Enforcement of Coercive Orders Against Public Entities in Brazil

Konu Terimleri
Law of civil procedure -- Congress
Medeni Usul hukuku -- Kongre

KütüphaneMateryal TürüDemirbaşYer NumarasıDurumu/İade Tarihi
İKÜ Şirinevler Yerleşkesi KütüphanesiKitap045700347 ONB 2016Şirinevler Yerleşkesi Koleksiyonu